Bryn Mawr Hospital Sued – They Admit To Misplacing Remains of Miscarried Baby
August 27, 2019 by Gerry (Edit)

Bryn Mawr Hospital mistakenly gave Donohue Funeral Home Griffin’s placenta, and the funeral home didn’t check the package’s contents before proceeding with cremation. Seventeen days later, the remains were found in the hospital, having been misplaced like “a set of keys or item of clothing,” the lawsuit alleges. Inquirer
Hospital Expresses Regrets
“We were deeply upset to learn of this mistake, which added to the grief Ms. Griffin and Mr. Greaves were already experiencing. We shared with the couple our sincerest apologies, and once again extend our sympathies for their loss and the pain they experienced thereafter,” said Bridget Therriault, a spokesperson for Main Line Health.
Delcotimes Reports “Attorney Amber Falkenbach, representing Griffin and Greaves, said she hopes the suit will shed some light on exactly what happened through discovery of hospital logs and other documents.”
“The complaint alleges seven counts for negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence per se: abuse of a corpse, negligence and corporate negligence. The couple is seeking damages in excess of $50,000 for each count and has demanded a jury trial.”