Senate Dems remove him from Appropriations Committee, internal caucus decisions and other Reindeer Games
Last night, reported that “Senate Democrats on Monday took another step to limit Senator Daylin Leach’s role in the chamber by removing him from the Senate Appropriations Committee and barring him from internal caucus discussions.”

On Thursday, Septemeber 19, 2019; the law firm of Eckert Seamans, who had been hired by Senate Democrats to investigage Leach, released its final report. They wrote, “In The Matter of Certain Allegations Relating to Senator Daylin Leach.” That report concluded – With respect to Senator Leach’s behavior while as a member of the Senate, we conclude that there is no evidence of actionable discrimination or harassment in violation of applicable law or Caucus policies to the extent Caucus policies are interpreted as consistent with federal law.
Pennlive also wrote that “Costa issued a statement with the report’s release, saying, ‘In the aggregate, the behavior outlined here rises to a level that should not be tolerated by anyone. I continue to feel that this conduct is unacceptable and irresponsible.’ “
Pennlive quoted a section from the Eckert Seamans report that said that Leach’s humor was “unquestionably sexual in nature.” However, the publication failed to note that in the very next sentence, the Eckert Seasmans report stated that, ” None of the witnesses interviewed described this sexual humor as directed at or toward any particular individual. Rather, such sexual jokes were generally made by the Senator about newsworthy current events and political happenings.”
Dylan is the best. Will always vote for him, and vote against those who seek to destroy him.
Daylins should file suit in Federal court against the Democrat caucus and Acosta and anyone else that had anything to do with Punishing Daylin Their own overly paid Lawyers said Daylin did nothing wrong it’s time to drop all punishment against Daylin and move on to the People’s Business