Haverford School Head Co-Authors Scathing Anti-Trump Letter
Haverford School Headmaster, John Nagl, is a retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel, and a veteran of both Iraq Wars.
Paul Yingling co-authored a letter with Nagl to General Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Yingling is retired U.S. Army Colonel, who served three tours in Iraq.

Haverford School Headmaster John Nagl.
Their open letter which appeared on Tuesday (August 11), in Defenseone.com, was addressed to General Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Nagl and Yingling express a now often repeated concern that President Trump will not vacate the White House on January 20, 2021; even if he loses the election.
Dear General Milley:
As chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, you are well aware of your duties in ordinary times: to serve as principal military advisor to the president of the United States, and to transmit the lawful orders of the president and Secretary of Defense to combatant commanders. In ordinary times, these duties are entirely consistent with your oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”
We do not live in ordinary times. The president of the United States is actively subverting our electoral system, threatening to remain in office in defiance of our Constitution. In a few months’ time, you may have to choose between defying a lawless president or betraying your Constitutional oath. We write to assist you in thinking clearly about that choice. If Donald Trump refuses to leave office at the expiration of his constitutional term, the United States military must remove him by force, and you must give that order.
Due to a dangerous confluence of circumstances, the once-unthinkable scenario of authoritarian rule in the United States is now a very real possibility. First, as Mr. Trump faces near certain electoral defeat, he is vigorously undermining public confidence in our elections. Second, Mr. Trump’s defeat would result in his facing not merely political ignominy, but also criminal charges. Third, Mr. Trump is assembling a private army capable of thwarting not only the will of the electorate but also the capacities of ordinary law enforcement. When these forces collide on January 20, 2021, the U.S. military will be the only institution capable of upholding our Constitutional order.
There can be little doubt that Mr. Trump is facing electoral defeat. More than 160,000 Americans have died from COVID 19, and that toll is likely to rise to 300,000 by November. One in ten U.S. workers is unemployed, and the U.S. economy in the last quarter suffered the greatest contraction in its history. Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track. The Economist estimates that Mr. Trump’s chances of losing the election stand at 91 percent.
Faced with these grim prospects, Mr. Trump has engaged in a systemic disinformation campaign to undermine public confidence in our elections. He has falsely claimed that mail-in voting is “inaccurate and fraudulent.” He is actively sabotaging the U.S. Postal Service in an effort to delay and discredit mail-in votes. He has suggested delaying the 2020 election, despite lacking the authority to do so.
The stakes of the 2020 election are especially high for Mr. Trump; in defeat, he will likely face criminal prosecution. The Manhattan District Attorney is investigating the Trump Organization for possible bank and insurance fraud related to the overvaluation of financial assets. New York’s Attorney General is conducting similar investigations, having successfully subpoenaed Trump’s financial records from Deutsche Bank. Mr. Trump allegedly pressured the U.S. ambassador to Great Britain to pressure the British Government to move the British Open golf tournament to Trump Turnberry Resort in Scotland. This incident is but one of many examples of self-dealing that may lead to federal criminal charges against the president.
Given this dizzying array of threats not merely to his political prospects, but also his liberty and wealth, Mr. Trump is following the playbook of dictators throughout history: he is building a private army answerable only to him. When Caesar faced the prospect of a trial in Rome, he did not return to face his day in court. He unleashed an army personally loyal to him alone on the Roman government. No student of history, Mr. Trump nevertheless appears to be following Caesar’s example. The president’s use of militarized Homeland Security agents against domestic political demonstrations constitutes the creation of a paramilitary force unaccountable to the public. The members of this private army, often lacking police insignia or other identification, exist not to enforce the law but to intimidate the president’s political opponents.
These powerful crosscurrents—Mr. Trump’s electoral defeat, his assault on the integrity of our elections, his impending criminal prosecution, and his creation of a private army—will collide on January 20. Rather than accept the peaceful transfer of power that has been the hallmark of American democracy since its inception. Mr. Trump may refuse to leave office. He would likely offer as a fig leaf of legitimacy the shopworn lies about election fraud. Mr. Trump’s acolytes in right-wing media will certainly rush to repeat and amplify these lies, manufacturing sufficient evidence to provide a pretext of plausibility. America’s greatest Constitutional crisis since the Civil War will come about by a president who simply refuses to leave office.
America’s political and legal institutions have so atrophied that they are ill-prepared for this moment. Senate Republicans, already reduced to supplicant status, will remain silent and inert, as much to obscure their complicity as to retain their majority. The Democrat-led House of Representatives will certify the Electoral College results, which Mr. Trump will dismiss as fake news. The courts, flooded with cases from both Democrats and Mr. Trump’s legal team, will take months working through the docket, producing reasoned rulings that Trump will alternately appeal and ignore.
Then the clock will strike 12:01 PM, January 20, 2021, and Donald Trump will be sitting in the Oval Office. The street protests will inevitably swell outside the White House, and the ranks of Trump’s private army will grow inside its grounds. The speaker of the House will declare the Trump presidency at an end, and direct the Secret Service and Federal Marshals to remove Trump from the premises. These agents will realize that they are outmanned and outgunned by Trump’s private army, and the moment of decision will arrive.
At this moment of Constitutional crisis, only two options remain. Under the first, U.S. military forces escort the former president from the White House grounds. Trump’s little green men, so intimidating to lightly armed federal law enforcement agents, step aside and fade away, realizing they would not constitute a good morning’s work for a brigade of the 82nd Airborne [Emphasis added] . Under the second, the U.S. military remains inert while the Constitution dies. The succession of government is determined by extralegal violence between Trump’s private army and street protesters; Black Lives Matter Plaza becomes Tahrir Square.
As the senior military officer of the United States, the choice between these two options lies with you. In the Constitutional crisis described above, your duty is to give unambiguous orders directing U.S. military forces to support the Constitutional transfer of power. Should you remain silent, you will be complicit in a coup d’état. You were rightly criticized for your prior active complicity in the president’s use of force against peaceful protesters in Lafayette Square. Your passive complicity in an extralegal seizure of political power would be far worse.
For 240 years, the United States has been spared the horror of violent political succession. Imperfect though it may be, our Union has been moving toward greater perfection, from one peaceful transfer of power to the next. The rule of law created by our Constitution has made this miracle possible. However, our Constitutional order is not self-sustaining. Throughout our history, Americans have laid down their lives so that this form of government may endure. Continuing the unfinished work for which these heroes fell now falls to you.
Lest you forget:
“I, Mark A. Milley, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
The fate of our Republic may well depend upon your adherence to this oath.
Respectfully yours,
John Nagl and Paul Yingling
About time this guy is going. He ruined the greatest lacrosse program that acheiveded the great heights with none parrallels and what not. Happy exulations, and for what? Good riddance smart guy.
Nagl is detached from a realistic point of view from the start. It’s incredibly hard to imagine even Nagl thinking this is realistic. Makes you think that it’s just a fear tactic to further a related goal…. vote for Biden not Trump. Anybody who thinks this is a good thing for THS needs to have there head checked. Imagine if he sent this letter in support of Trump. It’s wrong either way with that also. Incredibly divisive situation… created by arrogance and poor decision making. Now the board is caught with thier pants down as they have nobody to run the school with the covid problem. Seems like a problem with the board – not necessarily Nagl at this point. Step up board – the school, alumni, community surrounding the school are all waiting.
As an old guard alum, class of 1966, I feel free to comment from a historical perspective on the school. I think Dr. Nagl (he does have a PhD in history, like Dr. Cox), and did serve in the military (like Dr. Cox) made a mistake in using The Haverford School letterhead, for his commentary. We’re he to use personal stationery with John Nagl, PhD, Lt. Col (ret.), no one on this list should have had to clutch their pearls. He has a much more cogent perspective to comment on a real concern than most of the people who hide behind masks of anonymity, claiming unverified credentials (my security clearance and rank were higher, I served in more wars, etc.). Think about how those of you with TSS (Trump supporter syndrome) would have responded if this were written 8 years ago, as Obama was heading into the final months of his first term. Do you really think the lack of respect for the law demonstrated in the 3.6 years of this administration make the possibility of an attempted overthrow of election results beyond the realm of reality. “I am not responsible” says it all.
I applaud the letter that John Nagl wrote. A true patriot and scholar who knows what he is talking about. Does Haverford School not teach history and the constitution? His warning is consistent with almost every historian alive today. Does Haverford School not believe in the first Amendment and the Constitution. Very disappointed. Haverford’s loss will be another school’s terrific hire.
The fact that John was obviously forced to apologize, The Haverford School should be ashamed of itself. Disgraceful.
What a political moron. Even Snopes acknowledges that Trump never seriously said he won’t leave office – and this guy’s whole premise starts as if that is a serious threat. When that is the foundation of the argument, the argument has no teeth. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-leave-office/
Your point is spot on. Nagl is detached from a realistic point of view from the start. It’s incredibly hard to imagine even Nagl thinking this is realistic. Makes you think that it’s just a fear tactic to further a related goal…. vote for Biden not Trump. Anybody who thinks this is a good thing for THS needs to have there head checked. Imagine if he sent this letter in support of Trump. It’s wrong either way with that also. Incredibly divisive situation… created by arrogance and poor decision making. Now the board is caught with thier pants down as they have nobody to run the school with the covid problem. Seems like a problem with the board – not necessarily Nagl at this point. Step up board – the school, alumni, community surrounding the school are all waiting.
All the Trump supporters above want to go back to the good old Haverford School. Racism and drug dealing
As spelled out here…https://blackmainlinespeaks.com/the-haverford-school/
I find it very interesting that both Nagl and Yingling had nothing to say about Obamas presidency.. I guess weaponizing the IRS, EPA, ATF, FBI and CIA was acceptable to them.. Not to mention murdering American citizens through the Fast and Furious program….
More negative press:
Brian McBride for Headmaster
No way he would be worse!!
Seems like a total board and headmaster overhaul is necessary. No provincial lightweights. Serious reform, perhaps someone informed like a Bob Dole or Newt Gingrich type?
Newt Gingrich? Really? The guy who pursued Clinton as unfit for sex in the Oval Office while he was cheating on his dying wife with Clarissa? Newt spelled the beginning of the end for ethics in the Republican Party..
As someone who has been at Haverford for 4 years now, I’d like to share my personal opinion without going down a political spiral that’s already caused so many arguments in this comments section. I’d also like to debunk some ridiculous claims made regarding the school.
First, that students are being suppressed/can’t express their opinion. This is a RIDICULOUS claim. On school grounds, Dr. Nagl is VERY politically neutral. While the school overall might be left leaning, the students are encouraged to form their own political opinions, and most teachers remain politically neutral when discussions about it arise and don’t attempt to force their beliefs on students. I know for a fact that, when listening to his talks in the library about issues such as the Iran situation in January, it was very level headed and unbiased. Nothing biased against or for the current president. While all the students pretty much know he’s a Democrat, it barely affects us at all. Some might have to listen to an assembly that they don’t agree with, but that’s it. They can choose to ignore it if they want to. No “agenda” is being forced on us, no student is vilified for openly expressing support for Trump (in fact, among students at least it feels like it’s the popular opinion) or any other political belief, no teacher allows their political belief to shape their thinking. I would know this since in the past, I’ve used biased articles against the POTUS in a project to point out bias and scored perfectly fine on them. All you’re doing when you say this is baseless fearmongering. He treats all the boys with utmost respect and throws his personal beliefs to the side when on school grounds.
Secondly, reading the comments of alumni and parents is disheartening and frankly, disgusting. You claim that he is over the top with baseless speculation, and while that is certainly true in some cases in this letter, you aren’t helping with your baseless claims about his character when you barely know him yourself. All you have on his “character” is an article that you disagree with politically, which in turn makes you yourself subject to your own bias.
But, I do agree that he shouldn’t have so vehemently and explicitly expressed his political beliefs. Other articles online have already expressed the dangerous precedent that his demands suggest. All this has caused, as shown by this comment section, is controversy and divide in an already dark time. It’s divided alumni, parents, and perhaps even students. HOWEVER, don’t you DARE think for ONE SECOND that he is some sort of far-left tyrant who expels anyone that disagrees with him politically. that some of you are painting him to be.
Well said from an open minded Haverford student.
Please go back to the kid’s table. No safe spaces or participation trophies in the real world.
Psychobabble talking point that has nothing to do with this discussion. Try to have an original thought.
It’s nice to see you defending your school and speaking up for what you believe.
Speaking of knowing your Headmaster – ask him to comment on his latest tweeting disaster, which was an egregious violation of your Honor Code.
I appreciate your loyalty and clearly expressed comments.
You have given us some good insight and I am glad to hear your endorsement of The Haverford School.
Thank you for speaking up
Past parent
This comment section is absolutley ridiculous. As a human being and a veteran, he is entitled to his OWN political opinions and should not be berated for his political views. As a current student of the Haverford School, I am extremely ashamed of alumnus I see in the comment section absolutley giving a wanton disregard for human beings and our first amendment right. You have the privlege of having an excellent education and you have been taught better. Grow up. Stop acting like children.
John Nagl is an embarrassment to the Haverford School community. His conduct and behavior continue to reflect poorly on this once great school. Below are the facts:
1. His domestic abuse case resulted in his son moving west and changing his last name to get away from his father. Read: https://www.phillyvoice.com/haveford-school-headmaster-placed-leave-after-arrest-assault/
2. Enrollment has declined more than 10% during his tenure
3. Fundraising is far below goals
4. Morale among faculty and staff is at an all-time low
5. His social media posts are totally inappropriate
6. He continues to break the School’s Honor Code and Principles of Community
The article reveals that John Nagl continues to disrespect the Haverford School community. It is time for the Board of Trustees to replace him and begin searching for Headmaster #10!
Wow. Just wow. Such obvious lack of character and principle to hire such a disingenuous turd, and then post this fantasy fiction from said turd. Yet this is in keeping with the all consuming mass hysteria of the new neoliberal left witch trials, obamagate, fear mongering over facts. Maybe take an English class or two and learn something about honesty and accountability next time pal.
Honesty and accountability? How in the HELL can you support the president? The man who has said “I take no responsibility at all” and who has been recorded lying over *20,000* times while in office! (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/07/13/president-trump-has-made-more-than-20000-false-or-misleading-claims/).
As an old alumnus of Haverford School, and after scrolling through these many comments, pro, con, and over-the-top, I regret for the School’s sake the controversy that the letter has engendered.
Here is Nagl’s “fake” apology letter sent to current parents and alums.
School community,
Earlier this week, I published an opinion piece intended to demonstrate my love of and obligation to support and defend the American Constitution. The right to express our opinions freely is, of course, one of the great gifts granted to us as American citizens.
However, I recognize that my primary role and responsibility is to be Haverford’s ninth Head of School. I must temper my confidence and passion with judiciousness, and remember that I represent all members of our great community. I should not have expressed my political opinions openly in a way that reflected on The Haverford School and I sincerely apologize for doing so.
I now return my full attention to readying the School to receive our boys in person on the first day of school Sept. 9.
Thank you for your forbearance, and for your love of Haverford.
As a Haverford alumnus, class of 1972, I applaud Nagl’s courageous letter. The right to express our opinions freely is one of the great gifts of American citizenship.
Whether you agree or disagree with the open letter, I don’t see any benefit in deriding “Democrats” or “Republicans” as the “enemy”. The real enemy is the coronavirus.
No president can’t alienate half the country and still get things done.
For the record, John Nagl is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Army who led a tank platoon in the 1st Cavalry Division during the Gulf War and published two books on military strategy. He has a right to his opinion and a right to keep his job. I believe that those who want to fire him don’t know anything about him.
I also don’t take seriously any comment that doesn’t include the commenter’s real name. If you believe what you say, put your name on it.
With Nagl in charge, it’s not safe for members of the Haverford Community to convey their opinions. He’s made that crystal clear here, with his divisive, badly written, impulsive piece of fantasy writing, and at the school where he regularly threatens expulsion for actions he personally deems unacceptable.
Sorry Tony, when even the liberal hacks at Slate call you out for pushing wild conspiracy theories, it is apparent you are only qualified to work…where actually? Certainly not as a Head of School.
Publishing false history, facts, and a false narrative, optimistically shows a questionable judgement. I too am an alumnus of The Haverford School, as were my children, and we all agree that a qualified Head of School must encourage open thoughts and ideas in order to develop young adults to learn critical thinking and debate. If a young person believes their Head of School will punitively seek retribution for different points of view, a robust education system ceases to exist, and an echo chamber is
born – all contrary to the founding ideals of America and a Constitutional Republic.
Even if Lenin, Marx or Stalin were former military brass that alone would not serve merit to laud their past or viewpoints would it?
Below is the post from Slate, which again, fails to address the critical history errors of Nagl.
To correct Nagl (doubtfully this site will publish this post) there are current, valid coup attempts, all in the last four years: ‘Russian meddling coup’ that Mueller and Crowd Strike said did not exist (after 3 exhaustive years of examination), fake ‘Ukraine coup,’ and now, voting by mail coup. The election process does not include voting by mail, it is not valid or lawful. When you take air travel or drive a car you must possess a valid license ID, but you should not have to show an ID to vote for the most powerful institution and office on the planet? If one needs to do an absentee vote, one is able to do so. Only someone trying to subvert the system would argue otherwise.
Welcome any and all criticism to where these assertions are not correct. Have at it.
All that education but yet the authors do not understand the meaning of word sedition.
See you on your way down after a Trump victory.
THIS ONCE AGAIN SHOWS JOHN NAGL’s LACK OF CHARACTER. He embarrasses our community repeatedly, his actions are not one of an educator with an open mind, and therefore he is unfit to be in charge of the students at Haverford.
Hopefully the Board will take action relieve him of his duties this time.
Can we please stay away from character judgements?
As the headmaster of The Haverford School I do expect him to lead by example and show the students that you need to take an unpopular stance if you think you are right.
He expressed legitimate concerns about the peaceful transition of power. It certainly is not his fault that there is doubt about it this time. First and foremost it is his duty as a veteran and an educator to hold up democratic principles and pass them on to the students.
The Haverford School is a place where the next generation of leaders comes from. Do we want a generation of men who do not cherish freedom, who do not have the courage to defend it? I consider Dr. Nagl’s letter as a step to make sure the answer to these questions is ‘No’,
To answer your points above:
1) Analyzing John Nagl’s character and actions as Headmaster is appropriate considering he is role model to 500+ boys.
2) It is clear he is not a good leader or educator because these roles require BALANCED thought that permits opposing points of view for discussion.
3) There are no democratic principles practiced in his letter…only supposition and speculation.
4) True, THS is for raising young men but keep in mind, these young are still LEARNING and forming their own thoughts, so students need a safe space for this journey. An angry headmaster spewing military craziness is not providing such a space. My two boys are in high school and avoid Nagl and his class for this exact reason.
LASTLY, my guess is that Nagl thought this letter would be a feather in his cap and be a plus for a career move, he clearly would rather be opining military strategy than heading a boys school; and remember MANY EDUCATORS HAVE BEEN RELIEVED OF THEIR DUTIES FOR EXACTLY WHAT NAGL HAS DONE. (expressing an extreme personal opinion)
I certainly respect Dr. Nagl’s right to express his opinions. Personally, the authors of the letter come across as somewhat unhinged and for a Head of School to express a position in such a manner concerns me and makes me question that Dr. Nagl will , in some manner, not fully allow or promote free speech in the school he has been entrusted to oversee. His forum for his personal opinions can be in the media, but as a Head of School he needs to more restrained. I believe his conspiracy theories border on some sort of political paranoia. A student, who may have a more conservative position, reading Dr. Nagl’s opinion piece or looking at his facebook page, may be intimidated to freely express his opinions, knowing how entrenched the Head of School feels about the political environment in our country. We certainly want open, respectful and unfeathered dialogue in our schools and what Dr. Nagl has done will hinder that at Haverford..
The readers of Defense One are serious national security and foreign affairs professions. Dr. Nagl’s credential as the head of Haverford is inconsequential – and for that reason should have been left out of his title. It watered down his credentials as a military scholar and veteran. That said, no one outside the mainline even noticed or cared about the reference to the Haverford School.
For those who have so little knowledge of
The rule of law, peaceful transfer of power, and the history of fascism, should be grateful that their boys have a chance of learning about these essential concepts of a functioning democracy. I suggest that some of the posters read more about basic world history, democratic institutions, rule
of law, and civic education before posting complaints.
I count at least 7 grammatical mistakes in your short posting. Further, you overlook the 7 inaccurate historical and current events referenced by Nagl (supposedly a history professional & a seemingly uninformed military ‘scholar’). So perhaps Defense One should not be held in such esteem if they publish such conspiracy drivel? Finally, the merit of the headmaster, or better yet said, the potential lack of merit of such headmaster should absolutely be addressed when said headmaster is tasked with developing young minds and teaching men to be of principle and values? A potential misanthrope advocating fake history to impressionable young men is not the ideal candidate to lead an esteemed institution! And to the author of the post above, please learn proper English and American History. Let us hope this is not a post by a school administrator or teacher.
Grammar police, some of us have day jobs and lack the time to needlessly proofread a simple post: However, if you must throw down a gauntlet, here are the first seven grammatical errors in your post:,
1. Numbers under 10 are expressed as words i.e. seven (7)
2. I believe you meant uniformed and not uninformed – call it a Freudian slip but it’s the only way your air quotes make sense. Good writers don’t rely on air quotes a way – they make their points explicitly.
3. “better yet,” not “better yet said,”
4. For Defense One (singular), the applicable pronouns is
it (and not they)
5. “men to be of principle and values” (missing verb and/or adjectives)
6. that sentence is also what seventh grade teachers might refer to as a “run-on sentence.”
7. A potential misanthrope (insert comma) advocating …
#2 is wrong. He clearly meant “uninformed,” as he said.
#1 and 4 are debatable style points.
#3 was a typo, but he clearly meant “better said,” not “better yet.”
#5 was not an error; it was correct as written.
#6 was not an error either. That’s not a run-on sentence.
#7 no, there should not be a comma there.
Regardless of one’s political views, Nagl’s bizarre and unhinged essay is disqualifying for any teaching, military, or leadership position.
There is a reason why THS are called the maggots.
Lmao your school has the least diversity on the main line apart from EA, of course you’d all be crazy anti-american trump supporters
I know, and God bless (or whatever you believe in or don’t believe in because I don’t want to offend anyone) the maggots for their genuine concern for underprivileged minorities who happen to be really good athletes. You should be commended for being such a strong pillar in the blue blood main line community.
Very irresponsible and disappointing John! Obviously, The Haverford School has students and parents of both constituencies and your role is not to be so blatant about your political leaning. This article was impulsive unless you are banking on a Biden Presidency and hoping for a new job. Your loyalties should be at The Haverford School and not writing such nonsense in such a public forum. Good luck raising money from any conservative for such an amazing school!
As a THS parent, can we get some transparency please on who nominated this partisan hack to headmaster? what board members were in support? And can we get a new board vote on those still in support? If parents stop donating to schools like this where teachers and administrators are pushing liberal agendas and brainwashing young minds away from critical thinking and productive learning, can our kids hope to compete in a competitive world. America ranks second to last in math and education in western societies and we spend over two times the money these other countries spend. Pushing political dogma over learning is harming our kids and stoking division. Enough is enough.
I am a parent of two Haverford School graduates classes of 06 and 12. One son was a lifer while the other son attended the school from first grade. I was very involved with the Parent Association donating many hours fundraising for the boys. I was impressed by the fabulous education that they both received always expanding their minds and hearts. I applaud Dr Nagl for his courage in speaking truth to power. His military background and education is most impressive and gives him an insight we don’t possess. Never before in our history have we been faced with such an authoritarian threat to our democracy as we are now. The defunding of the post office during a pandemic, the delegitimization of the free press and calling the elections as rigged already is cause for alarm. Every concern in the letter written is to be taken seriously and prepared for. Our family stands behind you Dr Nagl as what better person to lead the school at this time than a true patriot.
The Holsten Family
Well said, I agree!
Can’t believe this letter came from the headmaster of the haverford school. Now I kind of understand why some of my son’s history teachers could blatantly do brain washing in the classrooms without being punished. These people should be fired immediately and replaced with political neutral ones who care.more about cultivating students’ own critical thinking.
It would be wonderful to have more persons of color in leadership if anyone were to step down for anyone we’re to step down to reason – especially given all of the issues with racial dissension that have been come apparent.. Be careful what you wish for!
And for the record, I am a Haverford Parent who pays full tuition and donates with earmarks for financial aid as our boys can learn from children who have overcome adversity and have more “grit” than many of our own boys.
I am a parent of two a Haverford School graduates – class of ‘17 and ‘19.
I love the school and how they support all boys and all opinions. It is really a phenomenal place for young men.
After reading Dr. Nagl’s letter, I question his judgement. But more importantly, I also question his state of mind. Really – a private army to protect Trump as he forcibly takes over the Oval Office? Come on!
I support the board in how it decides to proceed, but this is weird.
My boys were students when his personal issues with his wife and son surfaced. I supported him in that circumstance. But the combination of the two incidents within a relatively short period of time begs question.
Good luck to the board, administration and community as it wades through this unfortunate situation.
You must live in a bubble. An opinion piece with factual depiction of where the country is going thanks to the likes of you. Enjoy your bubble, someone will try to take it all away, you’ll see. Oh not if you listen to tRump, lol
This principled, patriotic, fact-based and passionate letter is impressive and admirable. I hope Haverford School proudly stands behind his courage in taking a stance.
Perhaps the unidentified commenters are poorly educated and poorly informed, but I am almost shocked by the name calling and unfounded judgements. Not totally shocked because they appear to be informed by a source such as Fox News, which deludes its viewers into believing that it deals in truth. Why do mature adults jump to schoolyard taunts and anger when they see an opinion they strongly disagree with? Shame on them, no shame to a calm, reasoned adult.
Karen, you are deficient in critical thinking and were not educated at THS.
Dr. Nagl,
I believe you are misinterpreting people’s dissatisfaction with this letter. I don’t believe anyone is arguing that the constitutionally defined transition of power between Presidents should not be upheld. I believe that people think it is absurd that you are so certain about this being a legitimate possibility. I can respect your decision to pen this letter if it was for the purpose of potentially moving up the political ladder in the future or getting an appearance on MSNBC. Otherwise, this is simply a paranoid response, truly fitting of the term, “Trump Derangement Syndrome”.
Nostradamus meets Long Island Medium- come on now, he doesn’t believe this tripe. He’s courting the media and inviting the spectacle. And his focus certainly is not on serving the school and students. Sounds much more interested in serving himself and some career other than “Head of School.” Save yourself, Haverford, he’s using you. There will be more to come, for sure.
I agree with him as do hundreds of thousands of Americans. Do you live under a rock?
Cheers for Mr. Nagi and Mr.. Yingling. It takes a unique kind of courage to
speak truth to power from positions so visible and vulnerable. The outraged
response from Trump-lovers, who neither understand nor care about the on-going decimation of the laws and norms of our country, is all too predictable,
My many years working in Afghanistan taught me just how precious our way of
life is, despite its many flaws, and how evil our Russian adversaries are. To
have a President who openly sides with the Kremlin while abandoning our
allies is so shameful it is sickening, Up till now our military and intelligence
professionals have struggled to protect us from the worst of the President’s
treasonous actions, and I only hope they continue to stand fast. They deserve
our heartfelt thanks., and the support of patriots like Mr. Nagi and Mr. Yingling.
To those who continue to support Donald Trump and what he stands for, you
might recall the old adage: “If you sleep with the dogs, don’t be surprised if
you wake up with fleas.”
Rob Schultheis
How can this lunatic keep his position? Haverford is such a well-respected school. How do you have a conspiracist leading ?? He should be out in Portland leading Antifa. Certainly not children
Can’t believe it. He said it but I’m not sure he meant it. Did he?
And now comes the apology.
This open letter is exactly what you would expect from someone employed at a Think tank. But, he’s not any longer, and hasn’t been in a long while. The divisive letter was brilliantly penned although a tad conspiracy theorist in my opinion. Regardless, we all have obligations upon taking a position and if you think Headmaster can be bifurcated from this letter you are sorely mistaken. I have one alumna from the school and have moved my other child to another institutions. I do expect the Headmaster to be the adult in the room.
And now comes the apology.
As an educator and leader – it would seem that your job is to teach tolerance. Period, Apparently, Republicans are not included on the list. You are fortunate that there are no Republicans at the Haverford School. Way to go Nagl. Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is raging! Time for a sabbatical
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I support Dr. Nagl’s right to express his opinion, especially because of his military experience and sincere concern for our country. The Republican election strategy of vote suppression by undercutting the validity of mail-in ballots and slashing the budget of the United States Post Office among other things is shaking the core of our democracy. I’m a Haverford graduate and proud to have Dr. Nagl at the helm.
You simply can’t use the stationary of an institution to publicly state such a foolish bunch emotional tripe. By doing so Dr. Nagl Implicates the school. I can tell you he will have a hard time finding a new position with an action like this.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!
I am the parent of a recent Haverford graduate and supported Dr. Nagl after his first controversy. However, I will not give another dime to that school until leadership is changed. Cleary Dr. Nagl has TDS, and his unsolicited opinion piece reflects poorly on the school.
The Honor code states.
Courage is not about writing factless opinion pieces to create more divisiveness in the community.
Teaching critical thinking just went out of the window in a school already leaning too far left of center.
The only explanation for his opinion piece is either he is looking for a job in a potential Biden administration or wants a buy out of his current contract.
If he genuinely believes his rant, I can sell him a map of where the WMD’s are buried in Iraq.
Please stop trying to control the school through donations. Plenty of wealthy parents disagree with you and are donating in support of more forward and egalitarian values.
Wow – Egalitarian values! Nagl’s rant has nothing to do with equality. Parents like you are why your children are in constant need of attention and participation trophies. Spending your life on social media virtue signaling is what is wrong with parents today. Healthy dialogue has left the building. Nagl should be focusing on Covid-19 and the task ahead of opening the school safely for ALL the boys. Wading into the political swamp and alienating 1/2, the school is a cry for help, or he wants to leave. A leader focuses on the task at hand, and his narcissistic personality disorder will disrupt whatever harmony is left at Haverford.
The country is in flames, and he should be bringing the Haverford community together. Not amplifying conspiracy theories in the middle of a pandemic.
WOW ! After watching the current generation of parents I didn’t realize that there were any like you left. Egalitarianism is a codeword that is used by intellectuals who eventually destroy a society. You must be a terrific parent.
Are donations up or down? I’m not sure but would assume based upon this statement.
Trump embodies so many terrible values that should never be emulated by students of any school. It is laughable to act like Trump, (the guy who is OBVIOUSLY trying to rig this upcoming election) is this poor hapless babe in the woods. We see what he does. Nagl’s reaction makes total sense. Wealthy people falling in line with Trump’s vision of this country are not persecuted…they are benefitting from 45’s xenophobia and his penchant for destroying necessary structures of oversight. TDS doesn’t exist…Republicans backed an idiotic crook and he took over your party…the country can’t stand him and will vote him out. He needs to leave. Its as simple as that.
When any of you fight in two wars and reach the rank of Lieutenant Colonel then you can comment…
for now you can stay the hell out of it. Haverford students love Nagl- Liberal or otherwise.
Folks who undergo Stockholm syndrome often admire their kidnappers, much like brainwashed kids who admire their supreme leader when they are unknowingly taught a Marxist agenda at second rate schools like this. Useful idiots are the fodder of the communist revolution and unfortunately all these ‘ learned schools’ are packed full with communist teachers indoctrinating our children to despise this great country that created American exceptionalism. Haverford school once taught the extraordinary elements of American culture and how our constitutional framework has allowed for America to be exceptional. Sadly, folks like this headmaster, filled with trump derangement syndrome, have taken over and destroyed a once great institution like haverford school, and have treasonously taught a generation of students to despise this great country and its great history. By entering the political fray, nagl must be let go or resign in shame ( no severance ). His political leaning by a headmaster will intimidate dissension and free speech, and clearly by his apparent and embarrassing lack of control of historical facts or command of current events, no school can keep a historic relic of fallacy such as this as it’s headmaster, unless it too is to be thrown in the trash bin of false history promulgators. We will leave out his run-in with the authorities. Haverford School needs a complete overhaul, and all alums should bleed this school dry with no donations until order is restored.
Nagl himself teaches history courses at Haverford. Many of those courses have been criticized for their pro-America stance. Again, this man fought in both Iraq wars I’m gonna venture to say you didn’t. Until you sacrifice for the country, stop commenting. Take your community-college-bred woke ideas somewhere else. And good luck getting him fired. you can call the school second rate all you want, but he’s got it up and up in the rankings and on the athletic fields as it should be. Cry me a river
Nagl or your surrogate, please stop posting and further embarassing yourself. A message board will not rectify the sins. As a Harvard & HS alum, someone you would have to salute if disclose of rank were allowed, and someone who was not fooled by the myth of wmd in iraq, and questioned and brought to light that false narrative. Please just resign. It is clear from your letter that you have no grasp on real facts or history. Your rankings are probably as false as the fake polls you refer to and you probably thought Hillary was going to win as well before she was trounced in a electoral landslide. Further, to your demise, when Biden is trounced you will be depantsed yet again and look even more foolish. If you do not resign now, when you have falsely predicted this next election (probably like the last one), will you please resign out of a sense of duty for having no pulse on the American electorate, whom are clearly more in touch than you? One could bet with certainty if we pealed back the onion of the stats you push above, the results are far inferior than the ones you advocate.
It’s funny that you think I’m Nagl himself. I guess you can keep telling yourself that like you keep telling yourself the school isn’t performing academically (rankings are made independently) and athletically (wins don’t lie). Nah, I just graduated 2 years ago, but like many other students, I took Dr. Nagl’s classes and had no issue. The constant “America is the greatest nation on earth” mantra I heard then makes this piece a bit surprising, sure. Still, the wacky politics in this article aside, you have to be an idiot to not see where Haverford is as a school right now. Keep calling it second rate all you want. Facts don’t care about your feelings.
Hope this is not Nagl defending himself here, particularly as a history techer; there was only 1 Iraq war for those caring about historical clarity.
IMHO, it is time to start the search for a 10th Head of School. I find it completely inappropriate and irresponsible for a person in Nagl’s (very well paid) position to publicly pick sides in this purely political fight. Apparently I am not the only one either judging by the email he wrote to the parents today. One line of that message read, “[i] must temper my confidence and passion with judiciousness, and remember that I represent all members of our great community.” As far as I am concerned he can do that somewhere else, or my son can go to another school.
Take a look at his public FB page. Talk about not “headmaster material.”
As a THS Alum parent -I absolutely agree with you that the search needs to begin for #10. Reading Nagl’s social media tweets and postings over the past few years has been cringe worthy and we truly were embarrassed for him! Our son would often remark that his conservative views were ridiculed and attacked during his years there and he never felt comfortable expressing himself. We will not be supporting the school anymore financially until he is removed. Oh …and I out rank him & my top secret clearance is higher than his – so please don’t believe everything he claims he knows- I have served in multiple wars as well!
While I understand the point of view of the Haverford School Community that the Headmaster should not be involved in “politics”, as a proud alumnus, I believe that the greatness of Haverford lies in its commitment to educate young men to think for themselves and to take unpopular, principled positions. In the great tradition of Haverford men, like Smedley Butler, Dr, Nagl has led by example, and I applaud his courageous position. I will be pleased to increase my contribution to the School to make up for any losses that are caused by other members of the community who withdraw their financial support.
For once we agree on something……Bravo!!!
I have two boys who are relatively recent graduates and my experience with the Haverford School over the last 25 years has been mostly positive. When I heard about this controversy, I couldn’t believe that a Headmaster of the Haverford School could be so stupid as to sign and publish such a letter. I read the letter and it’s clear that the letter is full of errors & false assertions that even a diehard CNN/MSDNC viewer would be hard pressed to believe. How is this guy in the position he’s in? Very very unhealthy and divisive for the school, the students, the families, the alumni. God only knows what he’ll say/do if Trump wins again…not to mention how he might treat anyone who supported Trump/Republicans. Get him out of there.
To the publisher: Are the links and bolded type from the publisher or the author? If it’s the publisher, it’s editorializing and should be identified. Please confirm one way or another.
Please require commenters to use their full and real name when posting responses in order to keep the conversation civil and honest.
Good question, fair critism. I just edited the article to indicate that emphasis was added. The links are all theirs. Thanks for close reading!
This is developing into a good resource, but how about requiring people to use their full names to comment? I think that many thoughtful residents who have something to offer or would simply like to express an opinion will avoid the conversation because people who will not own up to their own comments by using their full name take license to be insulting, intemperate and vulgar. If family, neighbors, employers and friends can identify them, their better angels (and more thoughtful parts of their brains) will often prevail, to the benefit of all.
Are you kidding me?!?! You are a school leader, not a politician. This letter borders on treason. It is inciting fear and encouraging more divisiveness. You should be terminated.
It’s a private letter from 2 private citizens. Are we as US citizens to bury our right to communicate with our leaders because of our job? Does having an opinion preclude one from doing their job? I don’t think it does.
I am a healthcare professional. I do not use my professional standing to push my politics. Yes, using your professional standing to push your politics that encourage hatred and fear of any elected leader is inappropriate and unacceptable.
This is a PUBLIC letter signed by Nagl and Yingling. It is NOT a private letter.
I am so proud to have Dr. Nagl be in charge of my son’s education. He stands up for what he believes in, and I will stand up for him.
Damn straight. I was just sent this article by a current parent and as the mother of three Haverford graduates – ’10, ’14, ’18 – I have no problem standing up for this open letter by Dr. Nagl. Dr. Nagl has faced many of his own challenges, as we all have, and while I fully recognize there are opinions pro and against past decisions/actions, I also know John to be a man who has knowledge and experience far beyond most of us in regard to the military and politics. I feel it is fair to cast an opinion and not be restricted because he’s the headmaster of a school. I firmly believe having an opinion and being impassioned and fearless in standing up for what you believe is critical for all of us. And, certainly, for the young people aka our children and young adults. “Stand for something” is a mindset I will always support, and considering Dr. Nagl’s vast experience, he has every right to do just that. I am proud to see the fearlessness in this action. If I recall correctly, “courage” is one of The Haverford School’s virtues. As is “integrity.” A word that has more value than money or status. Sending a fist bump to you, John. Well done.
Show your name
Wouldn’t you like that Karen? #usefulidiot
Time for a sabbatical for the headmaster. It sounds like he is having a nervous breakdown.
Great letter! It’s refreshing to see a headmaster take a principled stand against Trump’s authoritarianism and bungling of the nation’s COVID-19 response.
If Trump bungled the COVID-19 response what would the Dems do different?
How would they bring back the economy? What would they do/how to bring back unemployment to the lowest level in 50 years. Their platform is “Hate Trump”, and screw America. That’s it, they got nothing else.
“They got nothing else.” So, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the show?
Sorry, it was the violent riots, excuse me, peaceful protests, that rekindled covid. Before the riots, covid was on the decline. But do not let facts get in the way of your emotions.
hahahahahaha “facts” that’s funny.
Wow! This guy is off his rocker! How on earth is he a Head of School ANYWHERE?? I’m sure he’s a “joy” to work for too! The faculty must want to roll their eyeballs right out of their heads!!
This is an ASAP issue for Haverford’s board of trustees. Glad my kids go to school elsewhere!
Poorly written, totally speculative, unfounded and without facts. Surprising that Nagl wrote this garbage. Just to refute a few assumptions: 1. Where is this private army? 2. Faces near certain defeat? Didn’t we hear that in 2016 – at least Hilary knew where she was, and could speak coherently. 3. Mail in ballots – they are still counting the Iowa primary votes, NYC votes and in Paterson NJ total fraud was exposed. Look at Philly – they are not delivering mail. 4. Apparent Criminal charges – what happened to innocent until proven guilty? 5. Peaceful protests ? – all I saw was looting and destruction. 6. Virus blamed on Trump – didn’t China start this – Democratic governor’s overwhelming caused most of the death in US. John is a friend and has the right of free speech – he should not be fired – but the parents should be given equal time – open discourse is what this country is about.
Excellent comment on this fool!
An opinion based upon gross assumption and speculation. Clearly, as a Lt. Col. Mr. Nagi learned how to obey but apparently not how to think. Why would anyone entrust the education of their child to him?
Wow! This guy is guiding the minds of young students and the parents, faculty, alumni and Trustees allow it? He should be fired immediately.
As the parent of a Haverford student I find it appalling that our “headmaster” would publicly entangle himself in politics and alienate students, faculty, alumni and parents. I would absolutely applaud his dismissal immediately. I am very disappointed that he is being allowed to dismantle the great Haverford reputation each day he is not fired. I’ll be flying my Trump flag high each day I drop my son off to school.
Take your kid somewhere else, Karen. We don’t want him.
Sooo… this “private army.”
John has gone bye-bye.
Check out his public FB page… very “head of school.”
This letter only serves to give credence to the online conspiracy theorists and tin foil hat brigade that have been spreading this baseless idea without offering a shred of evidence. They are no better than the right wing conspiracy theorists who claimed Hillary Clinton was running a human trafficking and child sex ring out of a DC pizza shop.
On top of that, I’m sure this letter, signed by Nagl, will alienate half of the schools alumni base and parents of current students.
The fact this man is still the headmaster of such a fine school is baffling. The board should have gotten rid of him years ago when he choked out his son and the police were called.
For what it’s worth I say this as both a registered Democrat who will be voting for Biden and a retired military officer.
You have not been listening to what Trump has been saying.
I’m surprised that someone in Mr. Nagl’s position would opine on political issues. I’m sure that Haverford School will lose some of its recurring funding from alumni and parents of current students and alumni. I know they just lost mine.
Name one thing in this letter u disagree with. I support all of it and am a past Haverford parent. It will motivate me to give more to the school. He wrote the letter as a former military officer
Heavy on silly insults. Light on reasoned rebuttal.
Well written, accurate, and quite scary. Props to these 2 men for writing this, now get it sent and let’s see if our military can stand by the oath they took.
The letter is inaccurate:
“No military officer is empowered or obligated to do what Nagl and Yingling are telling Milley to do. In any military operation, the duty of all servicemen and women in an armed conflict or crisis is to obey lawful orders. If Trump ordered them to defend his extended tenure in office, that would be an unlawful order. If Biden ordered them to clear the White House grounds and escort Trump and his co-conspirators out of the building (in the extremely unlikely event that the Secret Service, U.S. Marshals, and other police forces were unable to do so), then that would be a lawful order.”
Why must the author be identified by association with the Haverford School?
Nagl needs to be removed as Headmaster of Haverford School. His behavior is irresponsible. As a Haverford graduate I am embarrassed and disgusted with him.
Dear Shithead John and Shithead Paul:
Absurd concept not worthy of anyone’s energy to refute. You are tampering with an election by lying and trying to panic gullible people.
President Trump would no more stay in the White House if not elected than send his son to your once prestigious school.
You should be terminated from your position at once.
David Garvey
I concur. A shockingly irresponsible letter. Well maybe not shocking.
Name one thing in the letter u disagree with. I am a past Haverford parent and am proud that my son went to a school with a role model like John.. before u vilify John, I suggest u learn more about him. You guys are the crazy people for backing an obvious dictator