In the wake of the Inquirer’s February 15 story that called attention to the Montgomery County Democratic Committee’s (MCDC) hamfisted so-called process of endorsing candidates for County Commissioner, there is a new allegation that Committee leadership is back at it, trying to exercise its machine-style muscle.
This time, the alleged victim of MCDC’s supposed bullying was Noah Marlier, the County Prothonotary. He also is one of five candidates running for County Commissioner.

The latest allegation against MCDC appeared in the form of a Facebook comment from a seemingly reliable source (a vice chair of the Democratic Committee of Lower Merion Narberth (DCLMN).
An officer of MCDC responded noting that the source of the assertion was unnamed (without actually denying the claim).
It could be that MCDC’s previous faux pas has gotten the rumor mill overstimulated. If that’s the case, Marlier should put the whole thing to rest by publicly stating that it’s nothing.
On the other hand, if the charges are legitimate, and Marlier is unwilling to speak out about them, his silence would speak volumes about his priority of wanting to please MCDC’s leadership rather than calling them out for their heavy-handedness.
I’d like to know who Gerry is and why he’s singled out Noah and not the other candidates. There are 5 candidates and only 1 endorsed. Many of us find the way the one endorsed candidate is campaigning troublesome. She has hand picked her second and keeps repeating that she knows she can with with her. I find it troubling that she’s implying that she can’t with with the other qualified candidates.
I only mentioned Noah because he is the only one who has been singled out by name.