Joe Gale is not backing down from his claim that the Pennsylvania Department of State, the Montgomery County Elections Board and possibly others – all falsified campaign finance reports – presumably for the purpose of advancing the causes of his political opponents.
On Facebook this morning he wrote, “Montgomery County swamp Republicans are in total panic mode. Don’t be surprised if their ‘October Surprise’ is a lawsuit designed to smear me and defeat me. The GOP establishment wants me gone and will stop at nothing to do so…bring it on! “

The real October Surprise will be if there is NOT a lawsuit against Gale. We already know that Anthony Spangler, Chairman of the Horsham Republican Party, sent a letter to him, demanding that Gale retract and apologize for claims that Gale made in a mailer. Gale accused the Horsham Republicans of accepting thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from several prominent Philadelphia Democrats. Spangler’s letter said that he would file suit on Tuesday, 10/15 if Gale does not comply with his demands.
Today more facts were revealed that might further convince those who are already convinced, that the campaign finance report of the Horsham Republicans that Gale cites, contains erroneous data.
Dan Mercer, a Wynnewood resident, saw that Helen Gym made a $1,500 contribution to the Horsham Republicans. He thought that seemed suspicious. Gym is considered by many to be the leading voice of the “Progessive Wing” of the Democratic Party in Philadelphia.
So Mercer went to Campaign Finance Website and searched for Helen Gym. He found that “Friends of Helen Gym” had made several contributions (none to the Horsham Republicans). However, only one of their contributions matched the amount of $1,500 that “The Joe Gale Report” showed her giving to the Horsham GOP. The one contribution for $1,500 went to the WARD 2 DEMOCRATS.

Then Mercer clicked on the link for the WARD 2 DEMOCRATS, and he found a list of contributions received that matched the list of contributions received on “The Joe Gale Report.”

Starting with ANTHONY KYRRIAKIS FOR JUDGE, $1,000; through VOTES 4 PHILLY, $500; the next 15 names and contribution amounts on the “Joe Gale Report” matched exactly to those on the WARD 2 DEMOCRATS.
Mercer also discovered that both the “Joe Gale Report” and the WARD 2 DEMOCRATS Report list the same 30 people who according to Gale were “political operatives” from Philadelphia who were brought in to hand out “Connor’s fake green sample ballots.” If you look at the addresses of that small army of campaign workers, you will see that almost all of them actually live in WARD 2, Philadelphia.

Mercer also questioned why the Horsham Republicans (according to the “Joe Gale Report”) often frequented the UPS Store at 6th and South.
The Philly angle is nothing but a distraction.
While everyone is going crazy trying to track down the Philly donors and expenditures, there is a $15,000 donation to the Growth & Opportunity Fund on all three reports. How many municipal committees have the wherewithal to donate $15K to some nebulous PAC when they have municipal elections to win and when other local municipal committees are starving for money? This must be some PAC for Scott Zelov to have donated $6,000 and Mike Oscar to donate $10,000. Did anyone ever track down where the money from that shady DC PAC that funded the anti-Gale mailers in the spring came from?