On November 7, 2023, unless something extraordinary happens, voters will overwhelmingly elect the Democratic Candidate in an election to fill a seat on the Common Pleas Court of Montgomery County.
Unless something extraordinary happens, on May 16, 2023, in the Democratic Primary, voters will overwhelmingly elect whichever candidate the Montgomery County Democratic Committee (MCDC) has endorsed for Common Pleas Judge.
On February 16, 2023, unless something extraordinary happens at its Endorsement Meeting, MCDC will overwhelmingly (probably unanimously) endorse whichever candidate the MCDC Judicial Screening Committee recommends that they endorse.
And sometime next month, unless something extraordinary happens, we will know the name of the new Common Pleas Court Judge after the Screening Committee makes public its recommendation to MCDC.
What we don’t know (for sure) is – who chose the members of the Judicial Screening Committee.

On November 29, 2022, Jason Salus, Chair of MCDC, announced the names of the 17 members of the Judicial Screening Committee. However, he did not respond to an inquiry asking who appointed the members of the Screening Committee and what the process was for choosing those members. David Nasatir, named Chair of the Screening Committee, did not respond to a similar inquiry.
However, it is believed between Salus and Nasatir that at least one of them, and perhaps both, know who chose the members of the Screening Committee.