Montco GOP Tries To Fend Off Anti-Semitism Charge By Claiming Shapiro And Democrats Are Terrible
The Montgomery County Republican Committee (MCRC/@MontoPaGOP), responded with a series of Tweets to a charge of Anti-semitism made by Montgomery County Democratic Committee Chair, Jason Salus on Twitter.
Salus wrote – Montgomery County GOP Chair Liz Havey aided and abetted this unacceptable hatred and antisemitism that has no place in our communities. Havey should immediately denounce Mastriano’s actions, and donors.
for Governor @dougmastriano. To be clear, Chairwoman Havey does not condone anti-Semitism in any form & strongly denounces any & all anti-Semitic rhetoric & attacks. Mastriano did the same at the fundraiser & issued the statement below last week. Salus totally ignores that. 2/7 pic.twitter.com/TU7hC4u4bE
— MontCo GOP (@MontcoPaGOP) August 1, 2022
MCRC begins its defense by claiming that Havey “does not condone anti-Semitism in any form & strongly denounces any & all anti-Semitic rhetoric & attacks.” Well, that sure is comforting.
MCRC goes on to fault Salus for ignoring a statement in which Mastriano feebly attempts to disassociate himself from Andrew Torba, the founder and driving force behind Gab.com, to whom Mastriano’s campaign paid $5,000 for “Advertising Consulting.”
MCRC continues their “defense” of the Anti-Semitism charges (can we cut the crap and just call it what is, Jew-Hatred?) with the following –

Let’s assume that all of the above claims made by MCRC are truthful, relevant, and not exaggerated –
And go back to the question of whether or not Mastriano has a well-established record of appearing with, and supporting Jew-Haters.
Beginning with Mastriano’s statement about Torba – Is that the best he can do? Would it be asking too much for Mastriano to apologize for diving into the cesspool of hatred that is Gab.com? It’s nice to know that Torba doesn’t speak for him (it took long enough for Mastriano to say so), but we haven’t heard a word of criticism from Mastriano directed toward Torba, much less a condemnation of what Mr. Gab.com stands for.
And Mastriano’s relationship with Torba is hardly his only dalliance with Jew-Haters.
Here is Pennsylvania Sen. Doug Mastriano being interviewed in his office by QAnon supporters Allen & Francine Fosdick. In January, the Fosdicks hosted a prayer call during which a prayer was offered that Michelle Obama will be exposed as a man. https://t.co/Lf4U2SQ0Gq pic.twitter.com/531SU6Vqtc
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) July 17, 2020
Mastriono’s flirtation with QAnon.
Before he was elected to the Pennsylvania Senate, Mastriano Tweeted more than 50 times with the hashtag #QAnon. According to Morning Consult, “Seventy-eight percent of U.S. respondents who agreed with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion also agreed with QAnon, while 49 percent of QAnon adherents agreed with the century-old antisemitic slur.”
Mastriano endorsed Oath Keeper, Replacement Theorist, Wendy Rogers.
We need @WendyRogersAZ and I fully endorse her. #MAGA #LD7 #AZPol pic.twitter.com/AjhtEK7Rge
— Doug Mastriano (@dougmastriano) July 22, 2022
Had a great time speaking to the Cottonwood Oathkeepers tonight. I am a member of the Oathkeepers and I really like their dedication to our Constitution and to our country. Thank you for having me! pic.twitter.com/7CCBY77tQg
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) March 7, 2021
Last year, Rogers echoed the “Great Replacement Theory,” made famous by “the very fine people” at Charlottesville, Virginia – who under the flames of their Tiki-Lamps chanted, “Jews will not replace us.“
Rogers also appeared by video and praised Nick Fuentes at his America First Political Action Conference that also featured Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene (Fuentes makes hysterical jokes about The Holocaust, see below). After the conference, Gosar said he “didn’t know anything about the group” before he spoke at their conference. And Greene said that she didn’t know who the organizers of the event were and their views.
This is Nick Fuentes. He is a white supremacist anti-Semite. That's not Twitter hyperbole, just a straight-up description. Here he is smilingly denying the Holocaust: pic.twitter.com/qJkhASjW6I
— Yair Rosenberg (@Yair_Rosenberg) June 29, 2021
On her own website, Rogers promotes her appearances on TruNews.
TruNews was banned by YouTube in 2020 for violating the rules of the site against hate speech. Rick Wiles is the founder of TruNews. In March of 2020, Newsweek wrote of Wiles, who claims to not be Anti-Semitic –
Conservative pastor Rick Wiles has claimed that the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is spreading in synagogues as punishment from God for Jews refusing to follow Jesus.
Wiles made the comments on the Wednesday night edition of his show TruNews. The preacher reacted to news that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was considering a national lockdown due to COVID-19 by insisting that God had sent a “plague” to the synagogues in order to punish Jews.
“Stay out of those things, there’s a plague in them. God’s dealing with false religions,” said Wiles. “God’s dealing with people who oppose his son, Jesus Christ. He’s dealing with the forces of Antichrist. And there’s a plague moving upon the earth right now, and the people that are going into the synagogues are coming out of the synagogues with the virus.”
Rick Wiles, TruNews Founder –
The Impeach Trump Movement is a Jew Coup. Plain and Simple, the men and women who are the driving forces to remove Donald J. Trump from the White House, are Jews.
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During the general election cycle in 2019, Havey was very unenthusiastic about the candidacy of a member of her party, even in a general election. But sadly, she is now loud and proud of her support for Doug Mastriano.
your website is sad…