The agenda for the Board of Commissioners meeting tonight includes, among other things, a “public hearing and the adoption” of a new Lower Merion Zoning Code. According to the township website, the meeting is scheduled to begin at “7:00 PM (Approximately).” It will take place in the Township Administration Building – 2nd Floor Board Room, located at 75 East Lancaster Avenue in Ardmore.

Township Residents Call For Delay
A group of township residents is calling on the commissioners to delay adoption of the new code, and to provide 60 days before advertising, in order to address what they consider to be problematic issues with the code.
As of this morning, the group has collected 363 signatures on their petition that calls for the the delay. The group is also urging township residents to attend tonight’s meeting.

This week, in a letter to Chris Leswing, Director of Building and Planning, the Montgomery County Planning Commission offered recommdations for the new Lower Merion Zoning Code.