Once There Was An Old Mill, Built 150-Something Years Ago, And Demolished This Week

In 2005 Wendy Lathrop wrote, “Once upon a time there was a local stream that in the past provided power to what is now known as Lee’s Shoddy Mill. Every so often, as in 2004 when a series of hurricanes pounded the area after an unusually wet spring that followed an unusually snowy winter, this usually meek watercourse leaps from its normal path and surges down the rocky inclines that are a prominent feature in its locale. After Hurricane Ivan’s visit in September, the stream left a particularly destructive wake, rupturing pavement and ripping down trees, washing away nearly everything in its suddenly six-foot-high path. One of the the buildings in its way was Lee’s Shoddy Mill. Please read more of Wendy Lathrop’s wonderful article about the mill.
In July of 2018 (can’t say last year anymore), Rich Ilgenfritz reported in MainLineMedia.com that “The Lower Merion Planning Commission recommended Monday the approval of a tentative sketch plan that would demolish the building that is most recognizable as the former Plant Outlet. Prior to that, it had a much longer history as Lee’s Shoddy Mill.
Under a plan submitted by LCB Senior Living of Norwood, Mass., the company plans on constructing a six-story senior living apartment building that includes independent assisted living and memory care with 84 units, 96 beds and 68 parking spaces on the site on the 4.8-acre site.”
Thanks, Gerry, for taking and sharing this post.