Searching for Dr. Oz on Twitter (using their “Latest” tab), somewhere in the neighborhood of 400 Tweets showed up, all posted within the last hour.
At first, I thought I would count them all, but after looking at about 10 minutes worth, I decided that life was too short for that. So I sampled a few more minutes of Oz-Tweets – which were running between six and ten per minute, and extrapolated from there – a conservative 400 Tweets in the last hour.
Searching for Fetterman, I found only 34 Tweets posted within the hour.
Here are the number of Tweets from the last hour I found for the other candidates running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania
Jeff Bartos 1 (he posted it himself)
Carla Sands 10 (all posted by the same person)
Conor Lamb 2
So what do we learn from this?
Not a whole lot, except maybe “my study,” in a very small way, quantifies that which is becoming obvious to even the most casual observers of Pennsylvania politics – that this election is going to be different than all other elections, at least in Pennsylvania.