President Trump and his supporters “occasionally” question the validity of Joe Biden’s “alleged” 81,284,666 votes. They would have us believe that Biden’s vote count is inflated.
From time to time, they also suggest that “the steal” in Pennsylvania was among the most egregious, and that Ground Zero for stolen votes was where “bad things happen,” – in Philadelphia.
Ironically, in one respect, Philadelphia was Trump’s best Pennsylvania county in 2020, and many of his Pennsylvania strongholds were among his worst.
If you accept the former president’s claim that Pennsylvania was stolen for Biden, and then look at how well Biden did in the deep dark Red counties in 2020 vs. 2016, it’s hard not to believe that Republican election officials in places like Potter, Pike and Perry counties, were in on the conspiracy.
There are 67 counties in Pennsylvania. In 2016, 51 counties gave 60% or more of their votes to Trump. In 2020, Trump got 220,796 more votes in those Dark Red counties than in 2016. However, Biden also got 161,227 more votes than Hillary Clinton in those 51 counties.
Click above to see the results of all 67 counties.
The election officials in Pennsylvania’s Red Counties reported that Trump got 1,672,157 votes in 2020 versus 1,451,361 in 2016 – an increase of 15.21%. They also reported that Biden got 842,344 votes versus Clinton’s 681,117. Bidens’s pickup in the Red Counties was 23.67%!
In the Purple and Blue counties, Trump got 1,705,517 votes in 2020 compared to 1,519,372 in 2016 – a healthy gain of 12.25%, but not as healthy as Biden’s gain. Biden received 2,615,885 votes in the Purple and Blue counties, whereas Clinton only got 2,245,324. That’s 16.5% gain for Biden, compared to Clinton.
In vilified Philadelphia, Trump got 132,740 votes in 2020. In 2016 he only collected 108,748 votes there. He enjoyed a whopping 22.06% gain in Philadelphia. Biden, on the other hand, barely outpolled Clinton in Philadelphia. He got 603,790 votes versus Clinton’s 584,025 – a meager 3.38% gain.
Conclusion – If the 2020 Election in Pennsylvania was stolen, as Trump, claims, then election officials in the red counties had to have been in on the steal as much those in the purple and blue counties. Republican election officials want us to believe that Biden got 160,000 more votes than Clinton in their Red counties. How is that possible?
All you need to do is go to and see the discrepancies in the 2020 election. And here in PA, yes many of the politicians on both sides are corrupt. They did not want Trump in office because it interrupted their, “buisness as usual”. Just like the Republicans ran a pack to keep Mastriano out of office. Corrupt Republicans & Democrats hate an America First agenda. And now they are in to deep, they need to keep the lie going, or face the consequences. But sunlight is the best disinfectant, and when it all comes to light, the American people are going to be furious.
You’re accusing ALL of the Republican election officials in four dozen Red Counties where Trump underperformed, of conspiring with the Democrats to steal the election in Pennsylvania?
Anyone that actually followed Donald Trump’s 4 years in office would have seen that he was never a very popular potus. His approval ratings during his ENTIRE term in office were usually in the 30-40% range, so how can u think u r going to win a second term when around 2/3 of voters don’t approve of your performance and only 1/3 does? It’s elementary school math people!!!
The election was not stollen. Trump lost because enough people woke up and voted his sorry ass out.
Absolutely agree!