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Kathy Barnette and Carla Sands are running in the Republican Primary (May 17) for U.S. Senate. They participated in a candidates’ forum at Dickenson College, in Carlisle, PA, on Tuesday night (April 26).
During one exchange Sands said (referring to Barnette) “she lost her last election by 20 points in a Red-Wave year, playing the same cards she’s playing now.” Barnette pointedly responded by asking, “I would love for you to tell me what card am I playing?’
In 2020, Barnette did run unsuccessfully against Madeleine Dean in the 4th Congressional District, losing by 19%. Most of CD-4 is in Montgomery County, where Barnette ran 6% ahead of Donald Trump.
Click here to watch the whole candidates’ forum.
Like the other five Trumpublicans running for the Senate nomination, both of these women are purveyors of the “Big Lie.”
It’s the one card they all share.