Wife of Villanova IT Tech Expresses Anger and Frustration Over School’s Re-opening
Nicole Hallberg posted an essay in Medium.com yesterday about her fears and anger, regarding the Villanova University’s decision to re-opeon its campus. Her husband Chris Hallberg is on the IT staff of the Villanova Library.
Her essay yesterday was a follow-up to a previous anonymous letter she had written to “Villanova University Leadership.”
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Nova Staffsays
He could have filled out a one page form to work remotely. He chose not to so all of your points are mute. Villanova has provided every safety measure required. They can’t stay closed and keep mailing out paychecks forever.
He could have filled out a one page form to work remotely. He chose not to so all of your points are mute. Villanova has provided every safety measure required. They can’t stay closed and keep mailing out paychecks forever.